Welcome to the brand new blog for Untamed Gryphon!

 Hello everyone! I've been crafting off and on for years and have always thought I should get around to making a blog for sharing my creations. In between being a parent, doing life, and pursuing other hobbies like video games and reading books, I get the urge to make stuff. I'm a pretty technical person and enjoy executing things well, so I'll often be sharing something inspired by, or created from a pattern written by, another awesome crafty person. Maybe the things you see here will inspire you to make something fun, too!

Crocheted blue bat with a yellow scarf
Hugo the Bat

This cheerful bat went to live with my brother a couple of years ago. The pattern for Hugo Bat can be found in the book "Animal Friends of Pica Pau" by Yan Schenkel. The book is beautifully crafted and full of great advice for someone that is just getting into amigurumi. As a happy accident of working on this bat, I discovered the Lion Brand Coboo yarn. It is a deliciously soft 51% cotton, 49% bamboo blend DK/light/size 3 yarn. Perfect for soft amigurumi with well defined stitches.

Animal Friends of Pica Pau at Amazon

Lion Brand Coboo Yarn
